Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(Out Of) My Mind

I have been without Mr. Spin since 8:30 this morning.

I have had to brave

all day at my parents house
12 hours straight with my kid and no possibility of a mommy time out
no rest
no studying (with a FAT bio exam tomorrow)


Yesterday I felt like I was a wild horse that had been broken. I had no spirit left in me to fight...just keep kicking me while I'm down.

Today is more like a caged beast ready to pounce on anyone or anything that gets in my way of escape.

I JUST NEED A STINKIN' BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found a replacement for teaching on Thursday, but Mr. Spin has a radio interview to do Friday night and I have an in class meeting all morning Saturday. I'm supposed to go out with friends Saturday night for some 'fun' and honestly, I'm going to have to sit that one out. Yes, I really have no time for fun.

I'm so angry when people say things to me like, "It's better to get this done when you're young." Really? I wasn't prepared when I was 'young' for college for one thing, and that's just a slap in the face.

Or the all constant, "You're almost there." NO, WE'RE NOT!! We are going through our version of hell and we have MONTHS left.


That's like an eternity to a kid. My kid. Just validate my feelings, would you? SHEESH...

Freaking out.





  1. Sorry, friend. Would sending you inspirational quotes help or just piss you off? :)

  2. Having taken a whole 7 years (full-time) to get my bachelors I know what you are going through and that there is nothing I can say to make you feel better, so I won't even try. Except to say: did you know I have a BS in Biology? Hit me up whenever, I would love an excuse to refresh myself!
