Monday, February 17, 2014

'Be My Valentine'...REALLY?

I recently started blogging again because typing is just faster than writing in a journal. I thought, hey, just blog! That worked for like, a week, and then all the ugly stuff that no one really posts on a blog started happening. 
You know the type of things, 
fights on Valentine's Day...for example.

Welcome to my blog.

Ok, so it wasn't a bare knuckles brawl but it still was a bummer.
I started the week off Sunday morning making a special breakfast for the fam (french toast roll ups from pintersest- they turned out ok...ish.)
The nausea and fatigue make cooking difficult, and the less sleep I get the more nauseous I am. 
But I wanted to do a week of Valentine's this year again for the hubs, so I pushed through.

Then, Monday I took some IBC rootbeer and black cherry cases that I recovered and relabeled (with Valentine themed drink labels I bought from Party City) in with some pretzel party mix to the hubs at work. They are big beer drinkers and like to raze Mr. Spin so I thought it would be fun for the whole office.

Tuesday was orange roll breakfast.

Wednesday was heart attacking his car at work.

Thursday...well, I had the flu so the foot rub was a no go.

Then Friday.
THE day.
In fact, I was on mental overload breakdown that day after being to the ER early in the week and then having contracted the flu (thank you, large enclosed building where sick people congregate).
He came home with some tulips...and an att-i-tude.
(Granted, he was sick with a cold but like, I had the flu. So I'm not letting it slide that much).

Um, excuse me?

It wasn't terrible but still disappointing and slightly depressing. 

We're supposed to go to Disneyland next month as a late Valentine's Day celebration.
Hopefully that will blot out some of the 'lover's day' let down.

Glad we have a pretty solid relationship!

In other news...

D and I planted some wild flower seeds today. He's off for the holiday. 
I'm pretty sure baby S is sick- he's really needy today (and yesterday). He even fell over asleep in the high chair. 
Not normal. 
I guess he still is fighting off what I brought home from the hospital. 
Hope he recovers soon.

And 'Legends Night' is this Friday! 
I hope it goes fantastic and the school realizes they need to increase someone's salary *ahem*. 

Hopefully this week is without a hospital trip. 

PS: I made a crock pot potato soup recipe I saw off of pinterest last week. 
Note to self: if it is made from lots of processed food, it's probably still going to taste gross.

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