Monday, May 16, 2011

95% Day...I'd Rather Be Flunking

Isn't it amazing how insecure we let ourselves feel when we're already down? It's almost like we have to beat ourselves up while we are already feeling incompetent because we feel like we deserve it.

I saw several blogs this week that completely fed into my insecurities. The first blog mentioned how the author just lost several pounds this past week. Instantly I had a pitty party, nevermind the fact I have lost about 13 pounds this past semester.

The second blog recapped a birthday party and all I could think about was how my kid's party didn't measure up. I also reminded myself how I don't work so I don't contribute financially, and that I am a full time student so I don't have the time to dedicate to planning fun activities. It was almost overwhelming how frustrated I was letting myself get about my situation in comparison to this family.


Did you know that an average individual's "self talk" per day is 80% negative self-reflection? (I heard that during a psych lecture, so excuse me for not citing the reference.) But honestly, today is a day where I feel like my percentage would be more realistic at 95%. I really need to work on lowering that average to around 40%. (Originally I thought 50% would be good, but that only means that I'm neutral in how I feel about myself. 40% negativity means that I have a positive overlap :).

So I'm telling myself that this is one instance where 100% is NOT what I want. I've never been in the 40th percentile, I'm too good of a student (+ 1%) so this may take some getting used to.

Why don't we "flunk" negativity together? How about you comment and tell me one or more postives for yourself!


  1. I am a GOOD mom.
    I am an awesome wife.
    My hair is pretty.
    I like that I have a ghetto booty. :)

    It's hard to be positive about myself a lot of times. Even on my good days- I'm hard on myself. I just did a whole journal entry about how much I beat on myself. I'll save the discussion for real life since I could seriously write an essay.

  2. I love you Heather and I just want to write some of the reasons why. #1 you are honest and REAL. #2 you have a fun personality and you aren't afraid to be yourself. #3 you are SMART, hard-working and determined! And you are BEAUTIFUL, but I'd love you even if you weren't :) so I didn't give that one a number on the list.

    I could also write an essay now cuz I have been working on this very same thing...the positive self talk. I've had a lot of success over the past few years by ALWAYS smiling at my reflection and saying positive things when I look in the mirror. About 5 years back, I lived with a girl who talked bad about herself so I put up stickers on our mirror that spelled "HELLO BEAUTIFUL!" it worked wonders. She and I always felt so good looking at that above our reflection.
