I saw several blogs this week that completely fed into my insecurities. The first blog mentioned how the author just lost several pounds this past week. Instantly I had a pitty party, nevermind the fact I have lost about 13 pounds this past semester.
The second blog recapped a birthday party and all I could think about was how my kid's party didn't measure up. I also reminded myself how I don't work so I don't contribute financially, and that I am a full time student so I don't have the time to dedicate to planning fun activities. It was almost overwhelming how frustrated I was letting myself get about my situation in comparison to this family.
Did you know that an average individual's "self talk" per day is 80% negative self-reflection? (I heard that during a psych lecture, so excuse me for not citing the reference.) But honestly, today is a day where I feel like my percentage would be more realistic at 95%. I really need to work on lowering that average to around 40%. (Originally I thought 50% would be good, but that only means that I'm neutral in how I feel about myself. 40% negativity means that I have a positive overlap :).
So I'm telling myself that this is one instance where 100% is NOT what I want. I've never been in the 40th percentile, I'm too good of a student (+ 1%) so this may take some getting used to.
Why don't we "flunk" negativity together? How about you comment and tell me one or more postives for yourself!